Mercedes je objavio prve podatke o prodaji za 2016. godinu, a koji pokazuju da je ovaj nemački proizvođač širom sveta plasirao više od dva miliona putničkih vozila.
Tačnije, broj prodatih vozila iznosi 2.083.888, što je povećanje od 11,3 odsto u poređenju sa 2015.
Takođe, Smart je u 2016. prodao 144.479 vozila, a to predstavlja rast od 21 odsto.
Sve u svemu, Mercedes i Smart su zajedno prošle godine plasirali 2.228.367 vozila ili za 11,9 odsto više nego 2015.
U vesti se ističe prodaja u Kini gde je Mercedes našao 472.844 kupca (rast od 26,6 odsto), dok je u Evropi prodato skoro 900.000 vozila (+ 12,4 odsto).
Ivan Mitić – Autoblog.rs
Since the market launch of the current generation in 2013, more than 300,000 S-Class limousines have reached their new drivers, keeping the Mercedes-Benz flagship in a leading position as the world’s best-selling luxury saloon also in 2016.
"Total output should target up to 1,5000 HP, while the kerbweight is expected at 702 kg"
Au ako ovo bude... :)))
@ amg, ta slika je već objavljena:
Brkica :)))
Ovi podaci su mi oduvek bili nezanimljivi i dosadni, i nikada me nije zanimalo "koliko ko proda". Kako u muzici i filmu, tako i u autoindustriji. Nemam ništa protiv ko prati i interesuje se, ali mi je neobično kada vidim duboke rasprave (koje često znaju da odu daleko) i teške reči "fanova" konkurentskih firmi...
Pomislio bi čovek da su u najmanju ruku isti ti deoničari u nekoj od njih, eventualno u porodičnoj vezi s vlasnicima. :)
No dobro, dok god je normalan ton sve je u redu.
Par statističkih zanimljivosti :
In full-year 2016, Mercedes-Benz was the best-selling premium brand for example in Germany, Italy, Portugal, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Taiwan, the USA and Canada.
The compact range is the one that took sales one step higher, with a growth of 9.3%, as 636,903 customers received their brand-new A- or B-Class, CLA, CLA Shooting Brake or GLA. China and Germany recorded the highest demand of compact cars. The new GLA, just presented at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, will surely make sales skyrocket.
The C-Class sedan still is the best-selling Mercedes-Benz model in 2016, with approximately 425,000 units. Nine million C-Class Saloons and Estates have been delivered since 1982.
Since the market launch of the current generation in 2013, more than 300,000 S-Class limousines have reached their new drivers, keeping the Mercedes-Benz flagship in a leading position as the world’s best-selling luxury saloon also in 2016
700,000 Mercedes-Benz SUVs were sold worldwide in 2016, marking a 34.3% increase. Never before were so many units of the GLA, GLC, GLC Coupé, GLE, GLE Coupé, GLS and G-Class models sold in a single year. The rugged 1979-born G-Class hit a sales record with almost 20,000 units sold in one year.
In the “Year of the Dream Cars”, about 140,000 roadsters, convertibles and coupés were sold worldwide (+10.5%). The C-Class Cabriolet is the new kid in the town of the premium convertibles, while the S-Class Cabriolet is the first open luxury four-seater from Mercedes-Benz since 1971.
There was a record year for the Mercedes power house as well, as AMG delivered 99,235 cars in 2016, with a 44.1% growth, right before celebrating the company’s 50-year existence. The product portofolio expanded with more than ten new models, a move mirrored by the sales that more than tripled in the past three years.
Detaljnije :
@P1 Svaka im cast ali imam jedno pitanje i prvo da kazem da sam MB fan ali sam veoma objektivan: Koliko smatras da su A,B,GLA i CLA pravi Mercedesi ? :D
No name
I ja imam pitanje za tebe,da li smatras da je bmw serije 1,x1,serije 2 mpv pravi bmw?
Da li je audi a1,q2 pravi audi?
Ja mislim da jesu kao i za mercedes
@Milos GLA vs x1, naravno x1 je bolji jedino sledeca generacija mozda bude bila dobra kao x1. A vs 1, 1 nema prednju vucu, nema Reno motore (ne kazem da su losi ti motori) jeftiniji je.CLA nema trenutno pravog konkurenta u toj maloj kupe-sedan klasi. B vs 2 mpv gle cuda BMW iako je napravio auto sa prednjim pogonom uspeo je da 2 mpv bude i udoban i da ima bolje vozne karakteristike nego B klasa. Treba biti objektivan i zakljuciti da Mercedes dosta toga prodaje samo zato sto ima prednju trokraku zvezdu na haubi a ne zato sto su stvarno dobri.