Više o novom Mercedesu SL65 AMG možete pročitati OVDE.
Одлично му стоји ова боја. Свиђа ми се то што предњи крај дизајном подсећа на свог предака из 70-их година, који је по мом мишљењу најлепши СЛ.
Stvarno vrhunski, pocinje da mi se svidja vise od cl-a. U autobildu ima test sl-a i 650 cabrio.
Mercedesi imaju manu sto su na slikama poprilicno nefotogenicni. Recimo video sam novu B klasu i ostao sam bez teksta koliko u stvari lepo izgleda. Ne moze da se poredi sa slika i uzivo. Zaista ne mogu da zaislim kakva ce biti reakcija videti ovoga uzivo!
Стиже: "SL 65 AMG 45th ANNIVERSARY" :)
"To mark its 45th birthday in June 2012, Mercedes-Benz's high-performance AMG brand is presenting the SL 65 AMG "45th ANNIVERSARY". The V12 roadster boasts an exclusive array of unusual appointments and design features. The special anniversary model is being produced in a limited edition of 45 vehicles. AMG also presented a limited special model to mark its 40th birthday: the 40 cars produced as the CL 65 AMG "40th Anniversary" edition in 2007 have since become valuable collectors' items. Mercedes-Benz's high-performance AMG brand was founded in 1967 by Hans Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher. Over the past 45 years the former two-man company has evolved into a world-renowned producer of unique high-performance automobiles."